


  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 闵行区 上海市闵行区江协路52弄24号
  • 姓名: 周先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    人工骨支架体外细胞机械压缩应力加力装置 软骨半月板组织工程体外细胞牵张刺激装置肌腱韧带血管神经干细胞牵张应力加载仪周期性循环模拟刺激应力加载仪

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 生物仪器 反应器
  • 发布日期:2020-04-21
  • 阅读量:241
  • 价格:100.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海闵行  
  • 关键词:椎间盘细胞组织工程应力刺激培养系统人工髓核力学刺激生物反应器纤维环压缩力学加载培养系统

    人工骨支架体外细胞机械压缩应力加力装置 软骨半月板组织工程体外细胞牵张刺激装置肌腱韧带血管神经干细胞牵张应力加载仪周期性循环模拟刺激应力加载仪详细内容

    Mechancial Stimulation for cell culture made easy The TC-3 is a simple and multipurpose cell culture bioreactor designed to provide mechanical stimulation to a variety of samples and tissues. It permits to work with: Horizontally and vertically arranged multiple samples Immersed and air-liquid interface setups Sheet-shaped, rod-shaped and cynlinder-shaped substrates Tension and compression axial loading体外细胞组织应力加载系统
    Mechancial Stimulation for cell culture made easy   细胞组织应力加载系统
    The TC-3 is a simple and multipurpose cell culture bioreactor designed to provide mechanical stimulation to a variety of samples and tissues. It permits to work with:
    ?	Horizontally and vertically arranged multiple samples
    ?	Immersed and air-liquid interface setups
    ?	Sheet-shaped, rod-shaped and cynlinder-shaped substrates
    ?	Tension and compression axial loading
    Intelligent design
    The TC-3 bioreactor allows subjecting culture substrates to tension and compression mechanical stimuli. It has been designed taking into account the needs of cell culture researchers, so only the features of tension machines which are basical for the culture of cells have be included in the TC-3.
    Among them, the possibility of inspecting the culture by microscopy techniques is of vital importance for the evaluation of culture status. A simple connection system between the culture chambers and the rest of the system has been designed. Thereby, the chamber can be easily removed from the system maintaining a desired deformation state while it is taken to the microscope for visual inspection of the culture.
    The TC-3 is compatible with most of the incubators, it is lightweight and all the parts in contact with the culture mediumcan sterilized by autoclaving.
    Main Features  
    Click on image to enlarge
    Versatile chambers allow culture inspection by microscopy techniques
    Culture chambers are made of autoclavable materials and can be easily assembled and disassebled. Furthermore, visual inspection of the chambers by microscopy techniques is allowed by a optical grade window glass at the bottom of the chamber.
    Three grips models adapting to your sample type
    Three different models of interchangeable grips can be used with the TC-3 chambers. They have been designed to adapt to the most different types of samples and loading conditions, so the optimal grip conditions are obtained for plane sheet-shaped, rod-shaped or cylinder-shaped substrates.
    Click on image to enlarge
    Multiple parallel experiments
    Up to three chambers can be actuated simultaneously in the TC-3 bioreactor. The loading conditions will be shared by all the chambers, whereas different culture conditions regarding the culture media may be established for each chamber.
    Click on image to enlarge
    Horizontal and vertical configurations
    The TC-3 can be configured both in horizontal and vertical configurations depending of the type of experiment you want to carry out. Air-liquid interfaces can be obtained with the horizontal configuration for cultures on sheet-like substrates, whereas the vertical configuration is more suitable for tests in which the sample is subjected to compression like, e.g., cultures on cylinder-shaped scaffolds.
    Click on image to enlarge
    Control Software
    The TC-3 is computer operated by a simple control software that allows the user to create complex loading profiles to be applied on the culture samples. All the accessory configuration parameters have been removed from the interface, leaving only those which are of interest to be manipulated by the user.
    A graphical interface allows the user to easyly control and check the status of the system without the need of learning complex control softwares with a multitude of configuration parameters.

    欢迎来到米力光国际贸易有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市闵行区上海市闵行区江协路52弄24号,联系人是周先生。 主要经营口腔生物材料试验机、口腔动静态疲劳试验机、齿科冷热疲劳循环仪、非接触式引伸计、光学引伸计、视频引伸计、光学应变引伸计、半导体热阻分析仪、稳态热阻分析仪、瞬态热阻分析仪、材料热阻测试仪、材料导热系数测试仪、可旋转动态热机械分析仪DMA DMTA 、高力值动态热机械分析仪、拉扭疲劳试验机、三轴疲劳试验机、双向拉压疲劳试验机、动静态疲劳试验机、拉金线、推金球、推锡球、推焊点、拔金球、拔焊点、拔锡球、。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本司供应microfet2,jamar,microntracker等产品,真正的为客户创造价值、节省费用,实现“设备永续、设备**”!